Court Reserve “How To” #1

We have now officially transitioned to using Court Reserve to organize play time going forward. This is a high level summary of how to use the system for our club, based on the website version. Much of this will apply to the phone app as well, though the mechanics might be a bit different. I’m proactively calling this “How To” #1 since I’m certain there will be more questions along the way that will be addressed in “How to” #2.

Logging In

Everyone in our club should have received an email with a link to login for the first time. If you didn’t get that link, please send an email to so we can get it sorted out.

If you follow the link and see a club other than La Pine, that means you have used Court Reserve at another club in the past, and they are likely still your “Primary” club. To change to our club, click on your name in the top right corner, then “My Organizations”. This will show all the clubs you are affiliated with. Use “Edit My Organizations” to choose which one is your primary one. See the image below:

Signing up for Events

The majority of the activities our club will schedule are called “Events” in Court Reserve. You can find them near the top left of the screen under “Events”. See the images below to see the Events drop down menu and an example of the calendar of events.

Open Play & Advanced Courts

Currently, we have Open Play scheduled everyday from 8 am - 2 pm. Anyone in our club can sign up for this event at any time. To sign up, click on “Details” on the day for which you want to sign up. From there, you will have the option to register for the day(s) you plan to play. There is also a Notes field where you can enter info such as what time you plan to arrive. Make sure to click “Save” at the bottom right!

Advanced courts are a subset of the “Open Play” event. Everyone signs up for Open Play, but up to two courts each day during this time will be set aside for Advanced/4.0+ level players. For more information on this, please see this blog post.

Paddle Battles

Sign up with a partner and the two of you will duke it out with other twosomes for 2 hours, playing approx. 8 matches. It will be ladder style play -- win and you move up, lose and you move down. This is great practice for tournament play, or just a fun way to spend an evening. Currently, we’re planning to have separate events for 3.0/3.5 players, 3.5+ players, and 4.0+ players.

Note: The system should only allow you to sign up for events that your rating qualifies you for. If we do not have a rating for you in our system, the only paddle battle you will be able to sign up for is the 3.0/3.5 one. If you are interested in getting rated, stay tuned — we are working on getting some opportunities set up.

Court Reservations

Currently, we plan to set aside 2 courts (courts 7 & 8) for reservations. These reservations are open and free for all members. There are many reasons why you might want to make a court reservation. You might have a foursome that wants to get practice playing together, without having to rotate out of play after two games like you do on an Open Play court. You might have a partner you want to hit drills with. Maybe you live a ways away from La Pine and want to make sure that you will have a court available to play on when you get there.

Court reservations are made in a different part of the system than “Events”. Find “Book a Court” at the top of the screen and you will see a daily calendar where Courts 7 & 8 are available to book for up to 2 hours at a time by clicking “reserve”: